Oak Park Lab Preschool
North Kansas City Schools offers another preschool program in this unique lab school. The OPHS Learning Center Lab is operated by Oak Park High School students who are interested in a teaching career or other child-related career in their future. These advanced students focus on Kindergarten Readiness standards and assess the individual child’s skill level in order to personalize the curriculum to meet all of our preschoolers' academic and social needs. This is a great experience for preschoolers because they usually get two teachers who work one-on-one on developmental skills as well as group activities based on daily themes. Preschool parents will also receive an end of the year report of the child’s experience as well as some of the children’s work during their learning experiences.
The Oak Park Lab Preschool begins in late October and remains in session through the first week of May. There is no cost to participating families other than required supplies, but regular attendance is a necessity as this work is part of the high school student’s semester grade.
Enrollment Information
- Enrollment for the OP Learning Center Lab runs from March until August or until we become full.
- Enrollment in the Preschool Lab is limited to no more than 20 preschoolers.
- Children must be at least three years of age as well as toilet trained.
To secure a spot in the program, please fill out the pre-enrollment form and send it to Amy Hines at Oak Park.
Located at:
Oak Park High School
825 N.E. 79th Street
Kansas City, MO 64118
Rooms F110 and C141